December 22, 2021
By aalaazah1 PLATINUM, Colombo, Other
aalaazah1 PLATINUM, Colombo, Other
32 articles 2 photos 153 comments

Favorite Quote:
where words fail music speaks
success is a journey, not a destination

when you feel your best, everybody else can feel it too - ARIANA GRANDE

If you are able to look yourself
in the mirror every day
with the decisions that you make,
that's where power starts - SELENA GOMEZ

Before you judge people judge yourself - ZAYN MALIK

haters will say what they want, but their hate will
never stop you from chasing your dream- JUSTIN BIEBER

If you follow your dreams,
it means you follow your heart.
if you do follow your heart,
I don't think you can go wrong- CELINE DION

We both made up something called a connection
but it ended up only for me as an affection
you thought that you always were in perfection
now you're having little rendezvous with another 
for my attention
as if you had backup plans with a 
huge collection
but you noticed I didn't give a damn about that relation
I always thought you were virtuous god's creation
but I never knew u only subjected me to frustration
when I met you first you gave my heart a levitation
but now, you're a renegade is my conclusion

I never really knew you would leave me so hopeless
but I could confess that I never treated you careless
all I want you to know is I was more than enough 
and all you did was betray me for another
but what hurts me the most was when you called me tasteless
I hope you would be able to find someone 
cringe less

I never really knew you were a soul who can
break my heart
and always keep your hatred on me
as a persist
never knew you could leave me and now
I feel here as a desert
all I know is you ain't worth enough to love 
me and reject
I never really know if I could even be 
but all I know is at least I can 
try to forget

I loved you at your worst but that didn't matter
it's so manifest that you treated me as a faker
but I knew that if I was you I would treat me 
and that's what always makes me feel you are 
a traitor
I never really knew why did we even 
build this connection
but what did last an eternity is a defection

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This article has 6 comments.

on Jan. 18 2022 at 5:26 am
aalaazah1 PLATINUM, Colombo, Other
32 articles 2 photos 153 comments

Favorite Quote:
where words fail music speaks
success is a journey, not a destination

when you feel your best, everybody else can feel it too - ARIANA GRANDE

If you are able to look yourself
in the mirror every day
with the decisions that you make,
that's where power starts - SELENA GOMEZ

Before you judge people judge yourself - ZAYN MALIK

haters will say what they want, but their hate will
never stop you from chasing your dream- JUSTIN BIEBER

If you follow your dreams,
it means you follow your heart.
if you do follow your heart,
I don't think you can go wrong- CELINE DION

@ILiveToRead Thank you so much....i hope you enjoyed the poem

on Jan. 17 2022 at 8:51 pm
ILiveToRead PLATINUM, Wailuku, Hawaii
24 articles 3 photos 150 comments
This, my friend, is well written, I absolutely adore the flow between the lines of the poetry, and verbal description is unsuitable to portray how relatable this is to me. I must say, I take quite a fancy to this particular work, and your poem's rank in the top poetry of the day is clearly well deserved. Kudos to you. I find your work inspiring and captivating.

on Jan. 17 2022 at 1:53 am
aalaazah1 PLATINUM, Colombo, Other
32 articles 2 photos 153 comments

Favorite Quote:
where words fail music speaks
success is a journey, not a destination

when you feel your best, everybody else can feel it too - ARIANA GRANDE

If you are able to look yourself
in the mirror every day
with the decisions that you make,
that's where power starts - SELENA GOMEZ

Before you judge people judge yourself - ZAYN MALIK

haters will say what they want, but their hate will
never stop you from chasing your dream- JUSTIN BIEBER

If you follow your dreams,
it means you follow your heart.
if you do follow your heart,
I don't think you can go wrong- CELINE DION

@afra not more than your's dear... btw I'm so obsessed with your poems! and thank you for your inspirational words

Afra ELITE said...
on Jan. 17 2022 at 12:29 am
Afra ELITE, Kandy, Other
103 articles 7 photos 1824 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A writer must never be short of ideas."
-Gabriel Agreste- (Fictional character- Miraculous)

@aalaazah1, the way you have maintained the rhyming pattern is so beautiful...It is hard but you had done it wonderfully...Well-done!!!

on Jan. 16 2022 at 10:52 pm
aalaazah1 PLATINUM, Colombo, Other
32 articles 2 photos 153 comments

Favorite Quote:
where words fail music speaks
success is a journey, not a destination

when you feel your best, everybody else can feel it too - ARIANA GRANDE

If you are able to look yourself
in the mirror every day
with the decisions that you make,
that's where power starts - SELENA GOMEZ

Before you judge people judge yourself - ZAYN MALIK

haters will say what they want, but their hate will
never stop you from chasing your dream- JUSTIN BIEBER

If you follow your dreams,
it means you follow your heart.
if you do follow your heart,
I don't think you can go wrong- CELINE DION

@Meghanmax 🙏 thank you 👍👍😊😊

on Jan. 16 2022 at 12:15 pm
CaliFranceGurl648 GOLD, San Diego, California
11 articles 1 photo 125 comments

Favorite Quote:
“I am a California girl, born and raised, so flip-flops and cutoff shorts are my go-to look."

– Meghan Markle

Love the versification. Write more