I was supposed to wash my sheets today  | Teen Ink

I was supposed to wash my sheets today 

December 29, 2021
By jamieeaustin BRONZE, Bowling Green, Kentucky
jamieeaustin BRONZE, Bowling Green, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was supposed to wash my sheets today but I cried in a Walmart parking lot instead 

I was supposed to wash my sheets today but I cried in a Walmart parking lot because my girlfriend raised her voice at me after I almost hit another car 


and my sheets are disgusting 

but I only have $13.09 left in my bank account

and Alexis, my therapist, is quitting so we have our last session tomorrow afternoon 

and I haven’t done my English homework in over two weeks 

and I think the ear-piercing I gave myself with a sewing needle last Tuesday is infected 


red hair dye and Indian food stain my comforter but I think my mom might be using again 

and my roots are coming in 

and my math teacher was rude today 

and my medication has started giving me nightmares 


and every once and awhile I’ll look up and not remember how I got here or what I’m doing or who I’m talking to 

and sometimes I don’t recognize myself in a mirror 

and I’m forgetting who I am again 




The author's comments:

I'm Jamie, a student writer from Kentucky and this piece is about exactly what it says it is about. It is about my experience with my brain making even simple tasks- like personal hygiene- incredibly difficult and daunting and how I often allow them to pile up and send me spiraling. 

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