Acceptance | Teen Ink


February 10, 2022
By Kira_Morris SILVER, Aurora, Illinois
Kira_Morris SILVER, Aurora, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I find myself staring at car lights

The streets grow dark at 5 o'clock and the sky is brilliantly blue-green

In the pastel glows of tail lights and street lamps

I see families driving together

Or a person walking their dog

Masked faces in fast food windows

And friends huddled together for warmth

They remind me it is okay to be human

That I may stay silent under the scrutiny of my father's harshness

Or speak too much when confiding in friends

Or run too fast and skin my knees as though I am 9 years old again

Or make adults cry with my stories

The beauty of others is a reminder

I do not always have to be enough

Because we are all living life like it is not enough

Seeking more, demanding better, a need for everything

Sometimes the world disappoints us

Or blinds us with a lie

It is not good enough, today

But, today, neither am I

It is in realizing that it is okay to accept less than

That we may strive for more

Because tomorrow?

I may be much more than enough

The author's comments:

I love car rides. Sometimes, especially late at night when there's a nice breeze and the air smells like the smoke from campfires, I feel like I belong somewhere. The world feels accepting when I see the life around me. 

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