This House is on Fire | Teen Ink

This House is on Fire

October 3, 2022
By mousejoy2006 SILVER, Temple, Pennsylvania
mousejoy2006 SILVER, Temple, Pennsylvania
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
A house is not a home, home is where the heart is

Our home is on fire
The fires rises as the roses and carnations set ablaze
The smoke rises to the skies as your words are thrown in as kindling
Everything I once loved is burning
It’s not pleasant- but a sickening sweet beauty comes from it

Our home is on fire
The scent of burning flesh fills my senses
Each unwanted hand placed on my skin singes a mark into my core
Littered branded kisses, all along my body
The flame of your admiration causes discomfort in my soul

My home is on fire
You’ve ruined it with all you’ve brought in
The old broken furniture that cuts into my flesh
The asbestos that creeped into my body and choked me not to speak
The bright yellow wallpaper that peels every time you yell at me

My home is on fire
And I don’t like it this way
The place in which I used to rest now suffocates me in it’s nest
You ruined it with your abuse to the delicate peony that is my heart
I wish I could pick the petals up, but they’re already ash in the fire you caused

This home is on fire
No longer my own, as the delicate pansy that is my heart belongs to a cage elsewhere
Does it make you happy, to see as the fire roars with my desires and happiness as its fuel
Does the warmth of the fire bring you comfort or is it to hot to be near
Does it singe and mark your skin just as you have done to mine?
I wish I could cradle the remains of what we once were
But even you know it's too hot to touch now

This home is on fire
It’s not peace, nor is it agony
Agony was the harsh red flame of your obsession
Peace was the beautiful flower of my insides
I should’ve known, it wasn’t a surprise
The flame lights the flower
The flower burns to ash
Gone is the love, here is the aftermath
I suppose the smoke will smell nice in the wind

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