The Plummeting Life | Teen Ink

The Plummeting Life

October 21, 2022
By savannahloubier BRONZE, Wilbraham, Massachusetts
savannahloubier BRONZE, Wilbraham, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The fog plumed through the gunshot holes in the train windows like a horror movie scene 

The fog captured the train like an eclipse

Engulfed in smoke

Nothing or no one visible 

Not even the bullet holes 

Everyone is shuffling around, trying to find a way out

Hands and arms out 

In front of their bodies to keep them from falling


No one can see what it is

But something has smashed against the ground 

The fog was slowly fading 

In and out…

In and out…

The fog is gone

And so was the stranger

A knife 

And him collapsed on the floor

With a pile of blood underneath

Shrieks are heard all over the train

No one knows ,

Who it is ,

Or what happened

Maybe someone outside caused the fog for this very reason,

Who could the killer be is the real question

Everyone on the train backs away

Closer to the corners to make sure no one is near

But I check his pulse

It’s faint

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