Never Will I Forget | Teen Ink

Never Will I Forget

April 14, 2023
By emilydong124 GOLD, Clarksville, Maryland
emilydong124 GOLD, Clarksville, Maryland
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

NEVER WILL I FORGET that letter, the glorious letter of acceptance, that granted me the Carson Scholarship

Never will I forget the azure sky painted with fluffy clouds

Never will I forget the fluttering beat of my heart while I skipped down to the mailbox

Never will I forget the giggles that erupted from my mouth after skimming past the words congratulations

Never will I forget the warm embrace I sensed as my dreams materialized onto that crisp stationary

Never will I forget the validation, comforting the sleepless nights I spent writing my essays

Never will I forget the surrealness that transformed my dull neighborhood to a radiant heaven

Never will I forget the motivation to continue striving for my aspirations that bloomed in my heart


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