Second Spring | Teen Ink

Second Spring

May 4, 2023
By SparrowSun ELITE, X, Vermont
SparrowSun ELITE, X, Vermont
200 articles 23 photos 1053 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It Will Be Good." (complicated semi-spiritual emotional story.)<br /> <br /> "Upon his bench the pieces lay<br /> As if an artwork on display<br /> Of gears and hands<br /> And wire-thin bands<br /> That glisten in dim candle play." -Janice T., Clockwork[love that poem, dont know why, im not steampunk]

The second spring is the hardest

The second spring is a story

The second spring is remembering

And all the pain that comes with


The second spring is pain and hope

The second spring means it's never coming back

The second spring is a funeral

But only in one heart


The second spring is deathly sad

The second spring can't say goodbye

The second spring is lying to itself

And I hope it never fails


The second spring will never come

The second spring I hold at bay

The second spring is just a lie

I swear it on my grief

The author's comments:

To all of the non-existent people keeping up with my account: A year or two ago I lost interest, but now I'm about to publish a book of poetry and figured it would be funny to post it here/I need redemption for all of my terrible, unedited messes.

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This article has 3 comments.

Lydiaq ELITE said...
on Jan. 23 2024 at 9:57 pm
Lydiaq ELITE, Somonauk, Illinois
179 articles 54 photos 1026 comments

Favorite Quote:
The universe must be a teenage girl. So much darkness, so many stars.<br /> --me

@thraws46 , I hope you find the person you're looking for soon. Sparrow and I both wish you well. By the way, you should definitely give Teen Ink a try if you have some art/writing to share.

thraws46 said...
on Jan. 23 2024 at 7:33 pm
thraws46, Gh, Arkansas
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
@Lydiaq and @SparrowSun

Hello! I know you guys probably aren't on much. Is there any way I can message either of you or get into contact with Sparrow themselves? I saw you were pretty active Lydiaq so I figured you'd also be best to reach out to. Thanks!

Lydiaq ELITE said...
on Dec. 23 2023 at 10:37 pm
Lydiaq ELITE, Somonauk, Illinois
179 articles 54 photos 1026 comments

Favorite Quote:
The universe must be a teenage girl. So much darkness, so many stars.<br /> --me

Hey, here's one person still checking up on your account from time to time:)
Seriously, your poem sounds great, and how is the book coming along? I know it's been a while.