soon | Teen Ink

soon MAG

September 4, 2023
By victoriamunoz4213 BRONZE, Panorama City, California
victoriamunoz4213 BRONZE, Panorama City, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Soon I’ll be 16, old enough to drive
I don’t know anything
Sometimes when the world has gone to sleep
And I lie in bed alone, I pretend to know everything
I know not but a single thing,
how to love

Soon I’ll be 17, closer to 18
I’ve got my license
I only ever go to the beach
The waves of tranquillity calm me
The peace of the ocean is nothing like the calamity of last year

The pain of that love hangs over me like a dead bone in its withered skin
The love that sucked me dry, the ocean brought me back
It soaked me up until I resembled anything but a human

Soon I’ll be 18, an adult
And yet I don’t feel like an adult
I still pretend to know everything
Shouldn’t an adult know everything

Maybe one day I will
But for now, I’ll just continue to pretend to know everything.

The author's comments:

This poem was written in the middle of the night because I was upset about growing up and eventually going to college. this has always been one of my greatest fears and I hope to one day overcome it. I hope this helps people understand that maybe growing and getting older isn't the end of the world. 

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