Dependent Independence | Teen Ink

Dependent Independence

September 27, 2023
By AHSwriter2025 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
AHSwriter2025 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am independent. I have been since I was little. I never needed help or needed guidance. I could do it myself right? The thing is independence is not just not asking for help with your math homework. I started to realize that going into middle school. People change and you lose friends and sometimes when your little 7th grade life gets tough you just want a hug from your mom.

I am independent. It's different now. When you are little you never think about the future besides which college colors you like most. Now it is time to really think. But how can I think when I have no clue what I even want? I'm forced into new situations and I start having to act like an adult cause really I’m only 2 years away but that little girl comes out and I still just need a hug from my mom. 

Independence doesn’t just mean not needing help with school or guidance in a tough situation. I am dependent on my parents' love and reassurance but still can do most on my own.

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