Invisible Pain | Teen Ink

Invisible Pain

October 3, 2023
By AhsGirl25 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
AhsGirl25 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
24 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This pain is masked.

Something that feels like torture, that no one can see.

Sometimes it is hard to breathe.  

These are some things I've been asked.

“Where does it hurt?” 

“Are you okay?” 

I always reply to the questions that have been asked.

Every time it gets harder.

As the pain gets tougher.

This pain feels like a million drills.

Swirling, beating, throbbing, and firing. 

With this pain, I've never been relaxed.   

The author's comments:

This piece is about the pain in my head from my fourth concussion and having to go through the pain with no one understanding what I'm going through since they can't see the pain. 

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