Bandaids or Dirt | Teen Ink

Bandaids or Dirt

October 19, 2023
By 4allench SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
4allench SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am similar to my mother and my sister is similar to my dad. My sister’s and my dad’s soft minds are similar. They have minds like soft pillows with no toughness. There is no toughness and their mental strength is like a newborn soft and cuddly puppy. A cold or a stubbed toe is like the end of the world. Being hungry or uncomfortable is like the end of the world. 

My mind and my mothers are similar. We both are as tough as nails. Running is like a reward and not a chore. Being cold and uncomfortable is comfortable. Going days without eating seems easy. Warm on the outside and tough on the inside. A cold is easy to overcome and often overlooked. A small cut just gets some dirt rubbed on it. Get hit in the ribs, walk it off and nothing is the end of the world.

The author's comments:

It is about my family and our toughness or lack there of. 

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