What's the point | Teen Ink

What's the point

February 22, 2024
By lexidworman BRONZE, Holden, Massachusetts
lexidworman BRONZE, Holden, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Thoughts come in an ear out the other

Words flood out even when they won’t come out

Phrases like these make me want to cry

But I can't even contain myself to saying goodbye

Not even a hi

Not even a small sigh

I’m done

People’s opinions don't get to me

Even when I say they do

I’m strong

Maybe not as strong as you

But I’m strong

I carry weights on my back that you don’t know about

I carry secrets that I refuse to tell

I carry you 

I need to lie down

Not to sleep

Just to think


When I look in the mirror

They hate me

Every single inch of me

I don't blame them

They make me

You are going to die someday so don’t take life lightly

Everyone is capable of dying 

Dont try it tho

You do not want to die 

Trust me

The author's comments:

My thoughts and feelings are real.

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