World at War | Teen Ink

World at War

February 26, 2024
By Kstormblessed340 BRONZE, Dickinson, North Dakota
Kstormblessed340 BRONZE, Dickinson, North Dakota
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

War is filling our world yet again

Petty politicians fight over resources

'Cause of their greed.

Russia wants its lands back

The USA has an old with extreme dementia leading them

Great Britain's king has cancer

And the world around us

Is dying.

Nuclear weapons are beginning to be tested

And nobody wants to back down

What happened to being a kid

With no worries

Other than our friends and toys

No technology controlling us

Nothing but pure joy

I wish

That everyone could go back to the way things were. 

The author's comments:

As I look around at our world, I see a lot of hate and violence. And we're the ones who are inheriting it. It seems to me, that the human race is slowly killing itself. Health problems are through the roof, countries are fighting over nothing, and above all, we have people who are being brought up to be mindless members of society. I just wish that we could go back to simpler times. Before technology took over our lives, and people began hating more than loving. You may call me a hippie for that, but this is my opinion. I just want the violence to finally stop. 

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