Another Balloon | Teen Ink

Another Balloon

February 26, 2024
By sadie_creative07 BRONZE, Dickinson, North Dakota
sadie_creative07 BRONZE, Dickinson, North Dakota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Happiness is the balloon you won at the carnival

It’s colorful

It's fun

It completes your wanting heart

and you cherish it

But sometimes your hand slips

And steadily, happiness floats away

So you learn to grip it tight

Not to lose it to negligence

Sometimes your balloon pops

Crippling your spirit with shock

But every tragedy passes through 

You can blow up another balloon

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem in my creative writing class where my teacher encouraged us to post a revised piece of our choosing. I decided on this particular work because of its musicality and message. There's a lot of bad in the world today, so people--myself included--need reminders that happiness may be fragile, but also possible to regain; you need only seek it.  

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