Out Of Place | Teen Ink

Out Of Place

March 7, 2024
By Anonymous

March 20 2022

“Were moving” one single sentence and now my whole life is changed.

It all happened so fast 3 months later I'm in my new home.

Now I don't know what to do with my new life.

It sounded crazy to me where i am now no one knows who i am

I could start school pretending to be british saying i spent my life traveling the seas


I could be from Texas starting a new life, with a cool accent


I could just be me


I decided to just be me

But that wasn't enough I guess?

I didn’t get that warm welcome my mom and the advisors said i would get

I definitely did get stares

I had 1 real friend that whole 1st semester

Almost all of you treated me like dirt it did hurt

I've always been kind


I hate feeling like what i said was not heard

I hate feeling like i'm from the outside looking in

I hate the distant whispers and giggles when someone gets paired up with me

I hate how people have false perceptions and squeeze people into these boxes they can't escape


You don’t know me

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