The Sound of Water | Teen Ink

The Sound of Water

March 17, 2024
By -Eric- SILVER, Niagara Falls, Ontario
-Eric- SILVER, Niagara Falls, Ontario
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The night is silent,
Without a sound,
But running water,
Hitting ground.
Splash, splat,
The water falls.
The sound echoes,
And echoes.
The air crisp,
With slight breeze,
That whisks my hair,
And chills my bones.
From far away,
Comes hollering voices,
Pulling me back,
From my tranquil state.
I march forward,
And the sound of water fades.

The author's comments:

I walked by the pond at Eaglebrook School one day. It was right after evening, and one could barely see the sun disappear over the horizon. Most of my classmates were already in the dorm, their voices still lingering in the distance. At that moment, all I could hear was the sound of water. I was struck by the tranquility of this moment and tried to convey my feelings in this poem.

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