Your Love | Teen Ink

Your Love

March 19, 2024
By CharlieW BRONZE, Lynchburg, Virginia
CharlieW BRONZE, Lynchburg, Virginia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
We never know when life will end, so let us take opportunities by the throat and never let go.

It's always a mystery 

How you love me one day

The next, it's like that day was history


Our versions of love are unique

Even when you hurt me

Or when you make me cry

When you make rude jokes

When your texts are dry

I can't help but wanting to be by your side


Your love is fragile

It's like a jar with a bunch of cracks

It varies from day to day

A type of love that doesn't give back


Your love is like reaching into a candy bag

And praying I don't get a sour treat

That I don't get another day of silent treatment

That you don't make me feel weak

That I don't get the rudeness

That I don't get the sass

But every time I'm disappointed 

As I remove my hand from the bag.


Your love is temporary

And my love is strong

Which means if you let go of me

I'll try my best to hold on

It's not fair how I'm treated

It's not fair to treat me like trash

But I've grown so comfortable 

That your ignorance doesn't make me mad


Your love is unlovable

Everyday is picking in choosing

Begging today will be the day 

That you'll love me and not use me

I feel like a gambler

I'm high on adreneline

But I'm playing a game I'll never win

And after a while I will lose all my love

And have nothing else to give.

The author's comments:

It sucks being in love with someone who doesn't treat you right.

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