Impact of AI on me | Teen Ink

Impact of AI on me

March 30, 2024
By Anonymous

       It was an ordinary day. I was walking home as usual. Before leaving the campus, I turned on my mobile phone, took out the headset, connected the Bluetooth, and listened to music. As usual, I imagined some meaningful topics while walking, and suddenly the voice assistant on my mobile phone appeared in my mind. From time to time, you can hear friends around you casually excel and show the function, but now it is rare to see anyone do so. Many people even forget the function of voice assistants, and at the same time, some so-called artificial intelligence is gradually appearing on the network.

     Now we can see AI with different functions in different industries such as autonomous driving, AI drawing, AI conversation, etc. The most famous of these is chatGPT, which was approached by a few people in the initial private beta, and then later the team behind it chose to announce their recent research on intelligent chat AI. At first, people were just using their free time to ask simple questions until they started to dive into different subjects and were shocked because they didn't really believe that the current technology could combine a powerful learning system with a search system until they (including my friends) could do it themselves. Thinking back to yesterday when I was sitting next to my friend Hao, who became interested in AI as a volunteer and started asking people he knew, as soon as he got to his seat he saw Danny and started asking.

         "Have you heard about the recently popular chatGPT?" said Hao. 

"chatGPT? Is it the AI chat technology that was announced in recent days?" said Danny, 

"Have you tried it? Although this thing is very popular, I haven't tried it yet." 

"Haven't you tried it yet?" Hao handed the phone to Danny. "You can ask any questions you want." 

Danny asked some questions and the AI gave answers. Whether it was in English or Chinese, it felt like he was talking to a real person. It was like people chatting, which made Danny feel his scalp numb for a while.

 "Don't you think it's terrible?" Danny asks. 

"I don't think it's terrible, do I? That's what happens with technology and new generation. There are many similar examples such as AI painting and self-driving cars before it, "Hao replied. 

"Don't you think our lives are gradually being controlled by AI?" Danny asks again. 

Hao explains, "You think it's old-fashioned (conservative) to give a simple history to represent this era of AI change, like before the revolution in physics, scientists think their laws of physics are all perfect, But Einsteins came along and broke the old rules and created a whole new system of physics and as time went by people began to accept this new thing and use it and make more and more hypotheses."

"What you're saying is quite reasonable, although it makes me feel a little bit more comfortable about the penetration of AI into this society, but I don't fully agree with you. because what we are doing now is creating new creatures that are based on our intelligence, like the creator," Danny explains. 

"We are creating AI with the three Laws of Robotics, which can limit the development of AI." Hao counters.

"You have to know that there are different kinds of AI, like you mentioned earlier about AI painting and autonomous driving, Three Laws of Robotics can limit their development but one of these two AI's is used to learn how to draw and the main control over how to draw is still in the hands of humans, Autopilot is a learning system that doesn't yet have the ability to deal with unexpected situations although it's been learning human driving techniques but at most it's just driving vehicles and so on and so on and it doesn't really matter that much if you set manual to the highest level. "

Danny casually asks chatGPT another question and hands the phone back to Hao. "Look at the answer, It's hard to tell if it's a real person or an AI even if we give them the Three Laws of Robotics and they're so capable of learning and who knows when they're learning something we don't know when they're dealing with people who don't mean well and over time there's no guarantee that they're going to be able to control that AI perfectly if we don't know if it's going to lie Does his pernicious question guarantee that what he says is true? Moreover, the creation of this AI is based on a certain amount of autonomy." 

After listening to this explanation, Hao has to agree with Danny because he knows that he has not done much research on the topic of AI compared to Danny, At the same time, Danny also said that it doesn't mean that your views are completely wrong and that there is a need for dissenting voices even on an issue that seems absolutely right to have an intellectual dissenting voice is good for both sides but it must not be too extreme and a certain amount of reason and sensibility can serve society better. When their topic was almost over, I whispered, "It's been 10 minutes since the class started. It's time to end this topic. We still have plenty of time to talk after school."

I also became interested in ChatGPT after listening to music all the way home after school, and asked Hao for a ChatGPT connection and started using it, asking a few simple questions like "What should I do on my first day as a world newbie?" It laid out a simple process for me, which made me feel right that someone would actually do this and it also told me about the basic mechanics of the game and how to deal with the problem, and so far everything was fine until I went to video sites and searched for ChatGPT videos and I realized that there was a serious problem. 

In one experiment, the author sent an essay question in a financial exam to ChatGPT and sent the answer to many experts and professors in finance. Without telling the students that it was ChatGPT, most of the professors gave a score of 3 or even 4 and gave the evaluation of "good idea but a little grammar problem"

When I learned about this experiment, I realized that the development of AI will revolutionize the whole world, both in terms of learning and in terms of social impact. The simplest example is that after the American Financial Union knew about the study, it began to restrict ChatGPT and greatly increased the rigor of students' exams. But at the same time, people's formal ability to solve the subsequent overdevelopment of AI will also show from the side that if we succeed in perfecting these AI problems will be one of the most important standards of human technological progress.

The author's comments:

I am a person who watches various kinds of videos in my spare time. I also like science and technology products, which gives me the opportunity to get in touch with future technologies such as AI, whose controversies become more and more with The Times, or will greatly affect the development direction of human science and technology in the future. But it seems to me that now we just need to make some assumptions and slowly start to implement them and then come up with different points of view (arguments) is what we should do.

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