My life | Teen Ink

My life

April 10, 2024
By Anonymous

I am from the womb

Was a part of a happy family

I have a passion for videogames and making bank

I am from my room

Where i spend most of my time

Eating food, drinking and playing video games

Day by day time passes i still feel useless

Then something snapped

I am from royal oak

I started exploring more

Riding my bike to new places

So much fun

Home isnt too happy so i get out when i can

I even have a job

Everyone is nice except for 2 people but they are irrelevant to my life

So i carry on with my day and dont let it bother me

I am from home

I recently discovered a new thrill

Riding my bike as fast as i can

The wind blowing on my face

Gives me a sensation i dont wanna leave

Almost like an addiction but in a healthy way

Makes me wanna get a motorcycle

Now i see why night riding is so fun

I am from the void.

The author's comments:

I tried to reference as much as I could how my life went from being somewhat decent to terrible and then me growing up and exploring the world for myself

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