Earth's Heartbeats Get Quieter Each Day... | Teen Ink

Earth's Heartbeats Get Quieter Each Day...

April 21, 2024
By sj6907 BRONZE, Lakeland, Florida
sj6907 BRONZE, Lakeland, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Global warming can take it all,

And be the cause of Earth’s fall.

Global warming did not rise alone,

We helped it through it all.

With every gas and tree we fell,

We made the fires, that only deepened the spell.

We filled the air with toxic haze,

And drowned the seas with our plastic maze.

Yet in Earth's misery, we sought gain,

 Ignoring her signs of refrain.

Now our summers scorch with fiercer heat,

While droughts are in each river's beat.

Coal's burning glow,

Earth's tender skin,

Oil's plunder from the Earth’s bones, like a grievous sin.

 Yet in the sun's embrace, we see,

 A beacon of hope, a chance to be free.

Spread the word, let the knowledge flow,

For in unity, our strength may grow.

With every step, and every beat,

We chart a course for Earth's retreat.

Let's heed the call,

And reverse the trend,

Before we meet our soon-to-be bitter end.

For Earth, our beacon, our home must not fade,

In her embrace, our future's laid.

The author's comments:

What inspired me to write this poem was when I saw how badly we are treating this planet.

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