girl in the back | Teen Ink

girl in the back

April 30, 2024
By marleykate GOLD, Paris, Tennessee
marleykate GOLD, Paris, Tennessee
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

how weird is it that i watched the back of your neck

and you used to turn around

but you dont anymore

because the girl that sits in front of you is more beautiful than the one that sits behind

i will always be the one that sits in the back

even if i sit right in front of you

i will always be the girl in the back

i cant be mad at you for how you feel

or how you dont feel

but yet somehow i am mad very mad

i am more mad that im not allowed to be mad

because even if there was something to be mad at you about

or if i even have the right to be mad at you

i still wouldnt be mad at you

because it is impossible for me to be mad at you

whenever i am mad at you it goes away

i am mad at you

but i dont want to be mad

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