Hockey Poems | Teen Ink

Hockey Poems

May 1, 2024
By AndersonBarnes BRONZE, Grandville, Michigan
AndersonBarnes BRONZE, Grandville, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Ice:

All that I hear, 

Is soothing sound of slapping pucks.

The plink of the post, 


The bang of the boards, 


All that I smell

Is the bitter frosty smell of freshly shaved ice.

It is as cold as your house during a snowstorm.

As I skate around, 

And feel my blades cut deep in the ice, 

And feel the cold breeze on my face, 

All my worries disappear without a trace. 



Hockey Game:

With the sound of 

The buzzer

Silence is no longer. 

Screams, yells, boos, 

That is all that you hear now 

Just Screams, yells, boos. 

The shrieks, the squeals, 

From both teams.

The yells, the yelps

You might want to yield. 

The sneers, the smirks

When you go down.

The disappointment they feel 

When you “boo”

So what do you do,

Scream, yell, boo.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece of writing in my 9th grade CTL class. 

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