The Sight of a Cloud | Teen Ink

The Sight of a Cloud

June 27, 2024
By divyaj123 GOLD, Roslyn Heights, New York
divyaj123 GOLD, Roslyn Heights, New York
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“A dragon!”

“I see a dog.”

They point up to the sky,

Observing their creativity come to life;

The power of humanity lies in their eyes.

Perhaps they project what they wish

Onto a cloud

Everlasting, a symbol of happiness and clarity

Clouds have a dreamlike quality

A quality that is unreachable while we live

Do humans yearn for a utopia?

Lightly jumping around, 

Safely landing,

Above the world we know, 

Our dreams come to life in a way 

We can’t understand.

“Do you remember that day we lied in the grass 

Looking up in the sky

Living in a life so different from now?”

Clouds move forward,

They relax and fall into rain, 

Our perception of them shifting as eyes watch along.

Clouds flow, 

Our source of imagination. 

The author's comments:

This poem reflects my beliefs about seeing shapes in clouds. The overarching theme of this poem lies in the words “Do humans yearn for a utopia?”, as it perfectly encapsulates the purpose of this poem. I conveyed the message that I believe a simple action such as watching the clouds and determining shapes defines humanity as a whole. Humans are unique in that they are able to reason and imagine beyond the likes of regular animals. Seeing objects in the clouds directly reflects that ability unique to humans, hence the line, “The power of humanity lies in their eyes.” I emphasized the dreamlike quality clouds have to highlight a person’s want for a paradise, or “utopia”. I utilized a stanza of my poem to discuss how clouds are associated with security and airiness, another aspect of a utopia, by comparing a human pointing at a cloud to them jumping on it. Jumping and landing on a cloud is not taken to be painful, but to be secure and soft. I want readers to understand more about humanity after reading this poem and soak in that simple actions reflect the wants of the soul. While editing this poem, I added two stanzas in between to highlight the change people go through and provide the audience with a better image of the utopia I was trying to convey.  Utilizing the discussion in the first stanza, I revisited the same people, imagining they were having a conversation years later, giving the reader a sense of nostalgia. This time, they were looking back at how they had changed with time, tying into the last stanza of the poem, which discussed how our imagination and behavior changed as life went on, similar to how clouds change.  In the last stanza, I extended the metaphor from the previous stanza and utilized anaphora to create a soft, repetitive image, reflecting the behavior and depiction of clouds. 

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