Pollen | Teen Ink


June 27, 2024
By divyaj123 GOLD, Roslyn Heights, New York
divyaj123 GOLD, Roslyn Heights, New York
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There she goes

Her hair, a cascade of light, flowing

Walking a path

All of us wish to follow.

She guides others

In a way nobody understands.

She breathes life into the earth she walks on, 

Nourishing dreams and aspirations 

With each step she takes. 

She lives the best she can, 

Her resilience through life

An image to others. 

She’s seen a lot

Traveled between countries, wandering alone

Abandoned a past life she once had 

To help start new ones

A free spirit, 

She is.

Everywhere at once, scattered but present 

She appears 

A guiding figure

Especially to me.

I feel her presence in the air

Settling on my skin

Igniting me within. 

She moves me forward. 

The author's comments:

In this poem, I compared my mother to pollen. Despite me having my mother in mind while writing the poem, this could be applied to any mother or guiding figure,  as it is meant to be relatable to the reader.  Throughout the poem, I attempted to make connections between a person to pollen, stating she is “Everywhere at once.” This means despite not being directly present at all times, this person is consistently inspiring me and affecting the decisions I make. In the line, “I feel her presence in the air/Settling in my skin,” I want readers to tie the feeling of inspiration into pollen in the air, settling on skin. The discussion of traveling refers to my mother, as she sacrificed a life she once held to explore a new opportunity and chase her dreams. On the journey, she created a family as well, hence the line “To help start new ones.” Throughout the poem I refer to this sacrifice as an honorable and difficult one, using lines such as “Her resilience through life /An image to others.” To me, and to others, guiding figures symbolize a sense of growth and a source of light in the dark. When editing this poem, I added lines in stanzas to make them more descriptive, and removed certain words I felt were lacking in a descriptive manner. I also added the last stanza to emphasize the connection between pollen and my mother. The repetition of the word, “She”, highlighted how important the guiding figure truly is.  I employed imagery when discussing how she walks with her hair flowing behind. Throughout the poem I utilized repetition, imagery, metaphors, and hyperboles to achieve my goal as a poet. 

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