The World Whispers Goodnight | Teen Ink

The World Whispers Goodnight

June 28, 2024
By aiaip SILVER, Temperance, Michigan
aiaip SILVER, Temperance, Michigan
6 articles 1 photo 0 comments

as the night gets darker,

as the moon shines at midnight,

across the pond, a family lies afloat.

mother is fast away; newspaper in hand and hums to be heard.

father is hastened by the steps of night.

the children sleeping soundly, creating a world of wonders and courageous ponies on rainbows.

after all, a sigh summarizes a hard day's work. 

The author's comments:

I wrote this at midnight after staring across the pond and wondering what sorts of lives my neighbors lived. It dawned on me that none of them knew of my family's story, and that realization became a beautiful wonder to me; we can all live our own lives in such special novelty ways that almost feel like we were each chosen to have a one-of-a-kind destiny, yet we ALL live a special life. My special life consisted of dedicated and hardworking parents. The guilt of having my life be a handout from my parents, the sweat and tears, and the emotions of everyday, whittled into memories for me. At the end of the day, I found myself exhausted, my family exhausted, after climbing larger-than-life obstacles. The peace and quiet after a hard day's of work is my family's beauty, our "special novelty".

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