Paper and Pen | Teen Ink

Paper and Pen

October 28, 2009
By Impractically.Yours SILVER, Pasadena, California
Impractically.Yours SILVER, Pasadena, California
8 articles 0 photos 16 comments

Favorite Quote:
The unspoken word doth no harm.

I sit here with a sheet of paper,
audacious and white,
watching and waiting,
as if it were alive.

My pen descends,
the paper quivers,
and I retract my hand in fright.

This paper is alive, and it is waiting for me to make
it bright,
bright with courage, and adventure
bright, so bright shine bright tonight.

My pen descends slowly,
my hand shakes so tight.

I will not damage others with paper, pen, and


The author's comments:
I did not, could not know... what to write.

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This article has 1 comment.

No_Excuses said...
on Nov. 11 2009 at 1:53 pm
No_Excuses, San Puentes, California
0 articles 0 photos 4 comments
This is really sad. It made me cry, because you can feel how deep the poem is. Even though you don't use a lot of words, and not a lot of adjectives, it's so real. I love this!