What Would You Do? | Teen Ink

What Would You Do?

November 8, 2009
By Allie225 SILVER, Castlegar, Other
Allie225 SILVER, Castlegar, Other
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world because they'd never expect it. - Jack Handy

What are you supposed to do when someone tells you their sick?
How are you supposed to feel when the one you love is dying?
Are you supposed to say that everything will be okay when it’s not?
Are you supposed to watch them suffer, knowing that they no longer have the time that they had wanted?
When they pass are you supposed to live life like they never existed?
Are you supposed to say some stupid and corny line like “they wouldn’t have wanted us to grieve”
What if when they die they don’t just die right away but in pieces, and when all those pieces are gone you feel broken like glass?
You can no longer hear their voice, their laugh, or smell their scent
No matter how much you wanted to you know that you can’t
And it tears you to know that;
You can no longer spend time together, or have conversations together.
There is no longer someone to watch movies with or shop with
There is no longer someone nagging you to do your chores
There is no longer someone to lecture you when make a stupid mistake.
There is no longer someone to hug or someone to talk to when you’re upset
What happens if you see them at their own funeral, their eyes closed, and oblivious to your crying face?
How are you supposed to feel when the one you love is dying?
What are you supposed to do when someone tells you their sick?
What is your reaction?
What are your thoughts?
What are your feelings?
What do you do
When you hear that you no longer have as much time as you would have wanted

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