Brick Steps | Teen Ink

Brick Steps

January 5, 2010
By jennabee BRONZE, Sunland, California
jennabee BRONZE, Sunland, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;When you hurt me, I evolved like a back-boned sea creature.&quot;<br /> -Maureen Seaton

There's a moth in your mother's closet
And one suckling some
Fragrant lilies next to us
On these steps of your

Bring me a dandelion
And let's
Watch it grow into something mangy
Like her hair and the way yours

Looks on fire
On these steps.

Let me write these pedestrian lines
And sing these motionless ideas,

I'm sure someday a moth will
Unveil itself in your ancient home,

And you'll remember these steps,
And you can remind me
That these things never ever happened.

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