Subtle Emotions | Teen Ink

Subtle Emotions

January 16, 2010
By Chelley GOLD, Baltiomre, Maryland
Chelley GOLD, Baltiomre, Maryland
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Returing feelings,
That i thought were lost.
A dark chapter in my life,
Re-opening a hole once covered,
By hugs full of love,
And words full of support,
Broken down and torn apart,
By the feelings i can not escape.
These feeling take over,
So subtle..
That by the time you realize,
Realize what has happened to you,
It is already too late.
You are trapped by them,
As they consume your soul.
And all you want to do is end it, So you fight,
For your friends your family your life.
For you,
You fight for you!

The author's comments:
This was writen to one of my friends because they were going through a tough situation and i was just letting them know that i had been in that exact same situation and you can not let it take over your life fight for what you want.

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