When the Moon and Sun Collide | Teen Ink

When the Moon and Sun Collide

March 1, 2010
By ElijahN PLATINUM, Livonia, Michigan
ElijahN PLATINUM, Livonia, Michigan
31 articles 0 photos 150 comments

Favorite Quote:
"only after you've lost everything, that you're free to do anything."-Tyler Durdan -Fight Club-

Why am I waiting for you?
You didn't wait for ME,
You're such a fool.
You were a running water of gold,
Of which I drank the sweetest,
Now what once was sweet,
Turned sour.
I was floating in bliss,
Gravity let me down.

Grim has come for you, you see.
Charon will now take you away.
And to think, you had time to meet your salvador,
And save your soul for ages to come.
I have brought you to them,
Forgive me, Lord, for I have sinned.

Betrayal has a funny way of being the center of the sun,
burning out,
The moon,
Think twice before betraying me again.
We had love.

The sun and moon have collided,
and dark embers are falling from the eternal place,
Visions of what would have been are burning our eyes,
And, oh my love, time to say our goodbyes.

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This article has 2 comments.

on May. 31 2010 at 7:25 pm
ElijahN PLATINUM, Livonia, Michigan
31 articles 0 photos 150 comments

Favorite Quote:
"only after you've lost everything, that you're free to do anything."-Tyler Durdan -Fight Club-

thank you.

on May. 31 2010 at 5:47 pm
HeatherBee BRONZE, I Live In, Texas
1 article 0 photos 1979 comments

Favorite Quote:
Go on and try to tear me down. I will be rising from the ground, like a skyscraper

Love is louder than the pressure to be perfect

llooveed ur word choice!! i really liked the begining!!! the whole poem was great