My First Kiss | Teen Ink

My First Kiss

March 8, 2010
By xangielovex PLATINUM, Skillman, New Jersey
xangielovex PLATINUM, Skillman, New Jersey
22 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
My heart is broken
My words are unspoken
My tears are saying all that needs to be said.
Thoughts and feelings through my head,
How dare you do what you've done to me?
How could one guy cause all this misery?

I remember my first kiss
Awkward as it was, alone
with him, it was quiet,
the sun was low.
I imagined it this way,
perfect, romanitc.
The boy leaned my way,
his eyes met mine,
and I suddenly
knew exactly what to do.
Afterward, we just
sat in the grass awkwardly.
I stared at a cloud.
The moment met no
Now, do you remember
our first kiss?
The setting was so off.
I expected nothing like it
Our hands entwined
in the back of
your mother's car,
in front of a ShopRite.
All was dark
except for headlights.
You asked permission,
I would never object
to you.
We leaned in,
a quick but
passionate kiss,
and returned to our
original seats,
hands still together.
No awkwardness,
no dissapointment.
I felt something that time.
Not nerves, but some
sort of warmth.
I wish that was my first.

The author's comments:
So yeah. Pretty Obvious. For Johnny

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This article has 1 comment.

lOvE.sPrInG said...
on Apr. 19 2010 at 4:08 pm
Aw... that was cute