Equilibrium | Teen Ink


April 17, 2010
By HermioneWriting BRONZE, Austin, Texas
HermioneWriting BRONZE, Austin, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Flakes of moonlight sprinkled through the trees.
There was a presence of a midnight breeze,
But no accompaniment of an audible pace.
Nothing appeared at first, then a shadow, finally a face.

An arrow, slicing the darkness, plunged into the throat
Of an innocent animal with a shining coat.
All that was left, were a few imprints in the dirt,
Soon the sun spread its arms and she didn’t stay alert.

Her arrogant brother stole the day
Came up late, sometimes early, went his own way.
He took the silver moonlight from her eyes
And she was left as a shadow to despise.

One always had to live in the shadow of another
Yet both were so powerful, sister and brother.
They created an equilibrium together,
Apollo and Artemis, masters of the sky forever.

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