I am Africa | Teen Ink

I am Africa

April 24, 2010
By Kujegic GOLD, Bronx, New York
Kujegic GOLD, Bronx, New York
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Everything around us is art, undefinable yet unique in every way.

I am Africa
Who cries in despair
and shivers at night
As it looks back into a past
surrounded by horrendous conflict

I am Africa
Whose heart aches
As the metallic wind brushes swiftly agianst my lip

I am Africa
Who has been murdered and destroyed
Scorned and despised
Manipulated and distressed

I am Africa
History has manipulated me
within my own precious borders

I have witnessed the Trans- Atlantic Slave Trade
As Europeans raped me of my people
Took them away to a land unknown
Where there were never to be apart of me again
And I africa stood and watched
As my people left me horrified

I have cried when history failed me
When the Scrambe for Africa was iniated
Imperial powers broke me up
fragmented my delicate soul
Directed borders in me, I could not detest
And left me broken to mend

I have angered when my people decieved me
When the Rwandan Genocide occurred
Spilling blood, tainting my rivers and my land
I have angered that the world decieved me
Believed I was worthless as nothing
and let me people die
I stood alone, I stood betrayed

And I am still crying TODAY
When AIDS, has swept and took millions of my lives
Ravaged my borders and shook what was already broken
My land seems soul-less
My people are distressed
Malnutrition has tooken millions of my babies' lives
Who could have loved me once again
Inadequate water has left me
in famine and diesease, Orphaned
Has left me sadly alone

I am Africa
Who wishes to zoom, in the past
behold its powerful empires again
When everything was sound
When the sun was on my side
When my people stood beside
When the world watched and envied

I will be the Africa
To regain its gold
To carry the burden
of mending my soul
Mending my earth
I will be the Africa
to show this crippled world
How I,
my hips can sway to the beat of any drum, any shortcoming, any conflict
I will show them that
I will be the Africa
I have strived to be

We shall overcome
One Day, I promise we will overcome

The author's comments:
I woke up today and I wanted to write as I was Africa myself. I have been to Gambia when I was younger and what I seen has kept with me and inspired me to write this poem about Africa and its spirit which can apply to anyone.

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