Every Time | Teen Ink

Every Time

May 20, 2010
By Anonymous

I’ve been broken before.
I’ve felt the pain.
I still have a not completely
healed wound.
Every time I think I’m getting better
I fall for someone.
And every time it ends the same.
With me crying and hurting.
With me heart broken again
and the almost shut wound
bleeding freely once again.
But nothing happens to them.
Because they left me
before they could feel anything.
They just wanted me
so they could say they were dating someone.
Just so they wouldn’t be single
till they found someone better.
Just so they could play with my emotions.
All they meant to do was to hurt me.
To make themselves feel better
because they crushed someone else.
Just to see how many girls they can get.
It’s always a contest to you.
I just wish you would learn that
sometimes you can go to far.
I wish you would learn that
some people have been hurt badly already
and they don’t need your help.
I’ve cried myself to sleep so many times lately
and I’ll keep doing it.
Because you’ve broken me once again.
You made me bleed.
I’ve lost so much blood already,
if I lose anymore I’m going to die.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Sep. 27 2010 at 7:39 pm
Meavescrete SILVER, Potomac, Maryland
5 articles 1 photo 90 comments
Wow. This is good. Dark stuff, but good. Metaphor for the lives of some young girls nowdays. Used like a tissue, when worn and completely useless, thrown away into the trash.  You did an awesome job.