Dear Friend | Teen Ink

Dear Friend

June 13, 2010
By VandaNoon PLATINUM, West Pittston, Pennsylvania
VandaNoon PLATINUM, West Pittston, Pennsylvania
42 articles 0 photos 32 comments

Favorite Quote:
what i can remember
is a lot like water
trickling down a page
of the most beautiful colors
-Marie Digby 'Unfold'

I think I get it now,
Why you blew me off
And went to that party
And wouldn’t answer
When I called.

I’m a little annoying, sometimes,
Aren’t I?
I talk too much
And too loud
And sometimes
about nothing at all.

I judged you,
Didn’t I?
With every Dear Abby utterance
That spilled from my mouth,
You must have hated me a little bit.

I didn’t like your clothes
Or your boyfriend
Or the way you talked to your mom.

So I get it.
But I still don’t like you now.
And you didn‘t like me then,
Even when we were best friends.
So I’m not sorry.

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