HeartBreak | Teen Ink


August 1, 2010
By Megan154 BRONZE, Calgary, Other
Megan154 BRONZE, Calgary, Other
4 articles 2 photos 0 comments

It slams into you,
One single moment,
One earth shattering moment...

No matter how strong
Or steady you are
You fall to your knees...

Head offered execution style,
And they mock...
They mock your fall,
Your life,
Your heart...
And then?

They tear you apart,
Trip you when you're already down,
Beat and strangle out your last breath,
And stab at your heart.

When your mind is fogged,
Your tears run out,
Beg hoarse,
Then and only then
Do they go...

You realize at that moment,
That one single moment,
Where they've gone,
Why they're gone,
Who they're gone with...
And then it breaks...

Your heart shatters,
Falling to pieces on the floor,
And as you painfully bend to the ground,
Retrieving these pieces,
You still long.

You long for their teasing,
Their cruel laughter,
But as you pick up your heart,
It hits you that they're truly gone...

And that's when the pieces,
Leap out of your raw bloody hands,
And shatter again...

That is the signal of a true

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This article has 1 comment.

Cassie234 said...
on Aug. 26 2010 at 9:14 pm
I really liked this poem, i thought it was really well written. good job