Muddy Waters | Teen Ink

Muddy Waters

August 5, 2010
By Katie_Grey DIAMOND, Leipsic, Ohio
Katie_Grey DIAMOND, Leipsic, Ohio
58 articles 10 photos 46 comments

Favorite Quote:
Difficult is not impossible - Relient K, "Hope for Every Fallen Man"

If all I had was love, would I still be lovely?
If all I gave was love, would you give up on me?
-House of Heroes, "Love is for the Middle Class"

How can I run from a shadow?
It follows behind me no matter where I go,
trapping me within a shell of an existance.
Bracing myself in something so weak--
easily detachable is what I've become;
by a thread I'm holding onto
the thing that hates me most.
Searching for the one thing
I will never be able to find in this self ruled world,
for someone to see me just the way You do,
how is it possible when I can't even see it?
“Like through a dim reflection.”
You remind me day by day the truth
of what's to become of me,
but when will I know what I am now?
Show me, please
why my heart beats in the steady rhythm
that lets the mind You've given me strive.
There must be a reason...but like every passing season
things change.

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This article has 1 comment.

. said...
on Aug. 31 2010 at 8:21 pm
Simply beautiful!! One of your best ones I've read of yours. ;)