Paper Heart | Teen Ink

Paper Heart

January 24, 2011
By Persona_Rae BRONZE, Jackson, Mississippi
Persona_Rae BRONZE, Jackson, Mississippi
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Paper heart, paper heart
made near a candle.
Paper heart- you heart
But the candle ruined you quick.
For it splashed its wax on you
And you melted you to bits.
But paper heart, paper heart,
theres a question i must have missed.
For if ive never loved,
how could you possibly exist?
Even though, now youre ash-
I'd really like to know.
Was i ever really my own person-
until i let you go?.
It seems that somethings come on to so quick-
paper heart, I have changed;
And youre not the one i miss.
And im no longer eager to know of happiness;
I'll never again want to express feelings of joy,
But ive also lost the way to the sadness in my life
And the pain now has become so much easier to endure.
I see now that i wasnt cut out for this,
To have a paper heart.
Because life and love make people fragile-
And ultimately tears us apart.
But if there is a chance that i could ever know of forever-
With you, then that would be a start.
To put all the pieces back together.
To mend my shattered paper heart.

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