2026? | Teen Ink


January 25, 2011
By Anonymous

I remember when we somehow pulled the drinking fountain off the wall;
The principal never expected that from elementary school kids

I remember when I taught you how to make the flame on a lighter six inches tall
I remember later that night when we were walking,
I threw that lighter on the ground and it made a fireball just like in the movies

I remember when I helped you with the chemistry homework that you didn’t get and vice versa, I had to mask my surprise that you had apparently paid attention to something in school

Someday I’ll see you sitting there on the curb, I don’t remember those marks on your arms, those bags under your eyes, what happened? I remember you wanted to be a police officer or something like that

The author's comments:
written in creative writing class against my better wishes, completely insincere skewering of another poem written by some twat... btw I don't like to read, but I'm not a simpleton, I play Bach partitas and sonatas and have a great intellectual life. you like to read... there's a 90% chance you haven't even kissed a girl yet

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