Together | Teen Ink


February 8, 2011
By Emilee-McIlwain SILVER, Campbell, New York
Emilee-McIlwain SILVER, Campbell, New York
5 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
I have the taste of blood and chocolate in my mouth both sweeter then the other- Blood and Cholate

Why you?
Why do you come into,
My life now?
I never felt so whole until,
You came along.
I never thought I felt this way about a guy.
I didn’t know what was happening,
Until it was to late,
And I was falling for you.
I tried to fight it and ignore it,
But the pull was too great.
Instead of hitting the ground,
I guess I landed in your arms,
And never felt so,

The author's comments:
My ex-boyfriend at the time did there is another one that goes with it

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