God's Response to Those Who Sing the Hymn | Teen Ink

God's Response to Those Who Sing the Hymn

March 15, 2011
By Katie_Grey DIAMOND, Leipsic, Ohio
Katie_Grey DIAMOND, Leipsic, Ohio
58 articles 10 photos 46 comments

Favorite Quote:
Difficult is not impossible - Relient K, "Hope for Every Fallen Man"

If all I had was love, would I still be lovely?
If all I gave was love, would you give up on me?
-House of Heroes, "Love is for the Middle Class"

Voices which melt together and drift to my ear,
I hear.
You sing, sweetly
as the honeysuckle in the spring
Each Sunday morning, you are lovely
You come to me, I see
your voice in the night sky
in the summer's sentiment
I hear,
when your voice is still and
your breath short
I embrace you
in the easy light of the surise--
I am next to you.
You sing
sweet as the air beneath your wing,
I hear.

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