If Only | Teen Ink

If Only

March 23, 2011
By emmyx3 BRONZE, Garwood, New Jersey
emmyx3 BRONZE, Garwood, New Jersey
3 articles 3 photos 1 comment

If only you and I were meant to be.

If only we were a perfect match; a beautiful melody.

If only my heart and mind could get on the same page.

Instead of opposing forces,

the most perfect harmony.

If only I could be as happy with you,

then as sad as I am without you.

If only the stars aligned.

If only I was different,

If only you were someone else.

If only our destinities were in sync.

If only our paths were meant to overlap.

Perhaps we could have lived happily ever after;

complete with a fairytale wedding.

A house in the suburbs with a white picket fence.

A big yellow lab, two smiling kids;

pta meetings, playdates, school functions....

Or perhaps it would have been a disaster;

fighting, yelling, shouting, screaming at the top of our lungs.

Unhappy kids, a broken marriage, lifeless and lovless in every sense.

They did not make those wedding vows for nothing;

Til death do us part...or not.

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