I Don't Understand This | Teen Ink

I Don't Understand This

May 20, 2011
By SammyJean GOLD, Andalusia, Alabama
SammyJean GOLD, Andalusia, Alabama
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everything happens for a reason

Why would you do it
Knowing I would see it
You can't possibly care that much
If you do, you'd stay true
I don't understand this

But you lied
What am I supposed to do now?
Sit here and let her take my place?
I can't do that
I don't understand this

What the f*ck were you thinking?
Did you really think I wouldn't find out?
Did you think I'd believe you
Re, no, come on, use you brain for once
I don't understand this

Everything they told me was true
I never should've trusted you
I never should have loved you
How could I be so stupid?
I don't understand this

I asked God to help me
But I'm still undecided in what to do
I can't o this
I'm not strong enough
I don't understand this

But I don't want to lose you
I want you to tell me you'll stop
I can't trust you anymore
So I wish you would tell me I could
I don't understand this

You lied to me
You told me you'd never hurt me
Well you are
But I would have never thought about this
I don't understand this

Why would you do this to me?
How could you hurt someone you love?
Do you even care anymore?
I'm doubting it all now
I don't understand this

I hate that I don't want to lose you
I hate that I love you so much
I hate that I planned my life around you
I hate that I don't want to be alone
I don't understand this

I know I'll stay
I can't give up on you
I'll give you another chance
I'll prove to you that you're worth losing everything
But I still don't understand this...

All I know is I love you...
And I don't want to lose you...

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