Just because | Teen Ink

Just because

June 18, 2011
By YouKnowMyNameLookUpTheNumber SILVER, Norton, Massachusetts
YouKnowMyNameLookUpTheNumber SILVER, Norton, Massachusetts
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
\"I feel like a dog in heat. Humiliated for a treat.\"

Just because I love The Beatles doesn't mean I'm obsessed.
Just because my wall has Beatles posters doesn't make it a shrine.
Just because I'm inspired by The Beatles doesn't mean I have to be.
Just because I have all of their music doesn't mean I listen too them 24/7.
Just because I share beliefs in rights for all and everything doesn't mean I copy them.
Just because I know random facts about them doesn't make me an encyclopedia.

Just because I act like a hippie doesn't mean I have to do drugs.
Just because I'm a vegan doesn't mean I have no idea what meat tasted like.
Just because I'm a pacifist doesn't mean I can never get angry.
Just because I want peace doesn't mean I can't support our soldiers in wars.
Just because I don't like something doesn't mean I can't support it.
Just because I'm shy doesn't mean I don't like attention.
Just because I'm stubborn doesn't mean I'm right, or wrong.
Just because I'm polite doesn't mean I'm uptight.
Just because I can be wild and random doesn't make me crazy.

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem in late 2010 for my Virtual High School class. People kept telling me that if I was this I had to be that. I strongly disagreed with them, but for awhile they weren't convinced, eventually they got tired of saying stuff like that and stopped. The lines in the poem are things people had said that I had to be or do if I was who I said I was.

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