Your Perfect Ending | Teen Ink

Your Perfect Ending

June 3, 2011
By DrowningInDoubt BRONZE, Port Morien, Other
DrowningInDoubt BRONZE, Port Morien, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Learning the hard way never lets you forget. - Reba McEntire

Wasted love, wasted on what I call us and what you call nothing.
I turn each corner, taking the risk that I’d kill my tomorrow.
My definition of pain? Brokenness. Sickness. All without you.
My eyes cloud over to shield me from the storm ahead. The storm of hurt, the fractured words we left unsaid.
Mistrust is an understatement for the way I’m feeling. I was blinded at your darkest hour, the swiftest slip up was not encountered.
Weakness, it’s in my blood. Defensiveness, my own assassin.
I’m the victim. Your ambitious stride to erase my pride has once again been proving me shattered.
Corrupted. Corrupted with the poison you call love. A toxic heart scars my slashed arms.
Drowning in a forgotten ocean of subconsciousness. My thoughts reconsider reaching for the surface.
I subside and I surrender. Left at the base of my somber closing.
Forget all I ever wanted, here’s your perfect ending.

The author's comments:
This was inspired by a girl that came into my life about a year ago. Teenagers are faced with extreme challenges and only one of the many is suicide. This is my perspective of dying relationship.

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