Wall Of Innocence | Teen Ink

Wall Of Innocence

November 21, 2011
By Cassie_ BRONZE, Aliso VIejo, California
Cassie_ BRONZE, Aliso VIejo, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Tears start to stain and streak my face,

Blur my vision of this worthless world.

Refusing to face the reality of now.

I’m weary with the pounding of emotions,

Breaking through my thick skull.

The ever constricting pain in my chest.

The blood rushing through my veins,

The depleting air in my lungs.

My limbs grow numb and useless.

My body has fallen into a chaotic state from itself.

The older i get the worse my condition becomes.

Each waking day faces more weapons

To break my already tarnished wall of innocence.

I fear the day it breaks down,

To reveal a wilted flower

On the brink of decomposition.

No strength to stand against

The harsh world

Past its faults and doom.

The author's comments:
Sometimes i feel the world has corrupted me too much, that i lose myself because of what the world wants me to be. I'm easily influenced and everything is just overwhelming, i want to be care free again. I want to live but not be scared of getting hurt or changed.

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