On the Horizon | Teen Ink

On the Horizon

February 3, 2012
By DragonRider1231 SILVER, Potosi, Missouri
DragonRider1231 SILVER, Potosi, Missouri
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is an adventure, have fun.

There is something on the horizon
More than just a storm
Knocking at my window
Tapping at my door

There is something on the horizon
Something, I could have sworn
There in the shadows
It was never there before

There is something on the horizon
Appeared out of nowhere, never before
Hidden within the shadow
Like a hidden rose thorn

There is something on the horizon
I could smell it was more than rain
But more sinister
And what a shame

There on the horizon
Out of the shadows
The nine came
Basking in beauty over all

There on the horizon
The pale nine stood tall
Golden-eyed and listening to all
The forest fortress shall never fall

The author's comments:
I was re-reading Twilight saga when I stopped all of a sudden and started to write this poem.

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