A Poem For You | Teen Ink

A Poem For You

February 3, 2012
By addieatrophy SILVER, Cullman, Alabama
addieatrophy SILVER, Cullman, Alabama
8 articles 10 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Creating art or something beautiful makes you a more fulfilled person<br /> than they can ever be because they&#039;re caught up in what they hate rather than <br /> what they love.&quot; -Andy Sixx

I began falling,
The moment you looked into my eyes.
I haven’t stopped.
Not completely.
I was derailed.
By you.
You kept me from falling.
From letting me love you.
I wanted nothing more than to be with you.
I had for a while.
But you ran away.
You left me.
How can I fix this?
By myself.
All alone.
I wanted to love you.
But there was no time.
My heart was ripped apart.
While I was daydreaming,
Humming love songs,
Smiling to myself,
You were leaving me.
You ran away.
It’s all your fault.
And now you have me,
Writing bad poetry.

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