My Wonderland | Teen Ink

My Wonderland

February 24, 2012
By Caroline Fernandez BRONZE, Verona, New Jersey
Caroline Fernandez BRONZE, Verona, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I was little, my backyard was a wonderland
The grass was a soft blanket to lie upon and gaze at the clouds
My sandbox was a beach in a tropical paradise
My plastic playground was a majestic mountain to climb
The deck was a stage for rock concerts,
Or maybe the deck of a pirate ship
It depended on the day.

My kiddie pool was a sparkling ocean in the Caribbean
The tree behind the garage was home to fairies and elves
Who never let themselves be seen (but I knew they were there).
The side of my house was a dense jungle,
Filled with exotic flowers and tangled plants
I knew which was the poison ivy, for I was an expert explorer.

In the midst of this wondrous world was my playhouse,
My own house, with my own purple car parked next to it.
It was a place to return to after a long day of exploring,
Even if I had to battle giant spiders just to get inside.

Now my backyard is just a grassy space
The deck is merely a place to tan
The tree behind the garage is half-rotting.
The playground, sandbox, and kiddie pool are long gone
Along with my playhouse and car
But my childhood will never really leave me.
The memories and feelings will always remain.

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