My Thesaurus Woes | Teen Ink

My Thesaurus Woes

March 5, 2012
By Kael96 PLATINUM, Shiloh, New Jersey
Kael96 PLATINUM, Shiloh, New Jersey
32 articles 0 photos 22 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Just a small town girl/ living in a lonely world/ took a midnight train/ going anywhere."

Little boys croon about
a hippopotamus,
and how much they want one
for Christmas,
but I got something
not found at Toys-R-Us
for Hanukkah, I received
A new thesaurus.

I unwrapped it with
a flourish,
and let out a
great yelp,
because I knew,
my writing this
would help.

“A Thinker's Thesaurus,”
it said on the cover,
for why would I ever
receive any other?
I scoured the tome,
scanned page upon page,
until I was using “big words”
in great fits of rage.

Instead of 'mad,'
I now became 'agitated,'
and my fabulous vocabulary
kept my friends fascinated.
I didn't just like words,
I fancied them a lot,
and once I had the word bug
I was permanently caught.

I shared the words with all my friends,
my bosom buddies, chums,
I kept on reading, learning, yearning,
Until they seemed quite dumb.
I showed them all the words I knew,
but they had none to spout,
so they began to run away,
they left me down-and-out.

And so I stopped my learning streak,
I quit my reading then,
because I'd become quite lonely
with absolutely no friends.
They all came crawling back to me,
once I talked normally again,
and now I'm back to regular me,
I'm completely a left brain.

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